Is Blue Light Safe For Teeth Whitening

blue light teeth whitening


  • What is blue light and why is it used for teeth whitening
  • How does blue light work to whiten teeth?
  • Are there any risks associated with using blue light for teeth whitening?
  • How long should you use blue light for teeth whitening?
  • What are the benefits of using blue light for teeth whitening
  • How to use blue light safely for the best results
  • The cost of blue light for teeth whitening
  • Frequently Asked Questions
    • Can blue light damage teeth?
    • What are the side effects of blue light therapy?
    • Can blue light whiten teeth?
    • Do LED whitening lights work?
    • How long should I whiten my teeth with blue light?
    • Is LED teeth whitening painful?
    • How often should you use LED teeth whitening?
    • Can I use blue light with regular Crest White Strips?

Blue light is a recent innovation for use in the cosmetic dentistry industry. Blue light therapy is said to be more effective and have fewer side effects than other traditional teeth whitening methods.

What is blue light and why is it used for teeth whitening

Blue light is actually a type of ultraviolet light. It is becoming more popular for teeth whitening because it can penetrate the tooth enamel and break up stains that are deep within the tooth.

It is called blue light because when it is used for teeth whitening, it gives off a blue glow. This blue glow is a result of the light waves that are used to break up the stains on your teeth.

How does blue light work to whiten teeth?

The blue light waves work to break up the stains on your teeth. They do this by targeting the molecules that are responsible for the colour of your teeth. Once these molecules are broken down, the stains will fade and your teeth will appear brighter. The molecules responsible for the colour of the teeth are called chromophores. Blue light acts on chromophores by exciting them and causing them to break apart.

There are several teeth whitening kits that have the LED accelerator kit as an add-on. So after the chemical action of hydrogen peroxide on the teeth, the blue light is used to speed up the process.

During a blue light teeth whitening treatment, you will wear a mouth guard that has been treated with a special gel. This gel helps to protect your gums from the light. The blue light will be directed at your teeth for a period of time. The length of time will depend on how stained your teeth are and how white you want them to be. During the treatment, you may feel a tingling sensation on your teeth. This is normal and is caused by the light waves breaking up the stains on your teeth.

One study that was conducted in 2009 showed that blue light can whiten teeth by up to 6 shades in just one 20-minute session. However, it’s important to note that this is only possible when the hydrogen peroxide gel is used in combination with the blue light. When used alone, the blue light will not have any bleaching effect on your teeth.

So, if you’re looking for a quick and easy way to achieve brighter teeth, then investing in a blue light teeth whitening kit may be worth considering. Just make sure that the kit you choose comes with a hydrogen peroxide gel so that you can get the best results possible.

Are there any risks associated with using blue light for teeth whitening?

While blue light therapy is becoming more popular, there is still some controversy surrounding it. Some people are concerned about the safety of using blue light for teeth whitening. While blue light therapy is generally safe, there are a few potential side effects. The most common is temporary tooth sensitivity. This usually goes away within a few hours or days after the treatment.

Other potential side effects include:

  • Gum irritation
  • Dry mouth
  • Sore throat
  • Eye strain

Another concern is that the blue light can penetrate the eye and cause damage to the retina. There is also some concern that the long-term use of blue light could increase the risk of cancer.

If you experience any of these side effects, contact your dentist or doctor. they may be able to recommend ways to reduce them or help you manage them.

At this time, there is no definitive evidence that blue light therapy is unsafe. However, it is always best to consult with your dentist or doctor before undergoing any type of teeth whitening treatment. They will be able to tell you if blue light therapy is right for you and help you make an informed decision about your oral health.

Blue light therapy is generally safe. The light is not harmful to the teeth or gums. However, it is important to make sure that you use a reputable product and follow the instructions carefully.

It is also important to note that blue light therapy is not suitable for everyone. If you have sensitive teeth or gums, you may want to consult with your dentist before using this method.

Overall, blue light therapy is a safe and effective way to whiten teeth. It’s fast, convenient, and can be done at home or in the dentist’s office. If you’re considering teeth whitening, talk to your dentist about whether blue light therapy is right for you.

How long should you use blue light for teeth whitening?

Most teeth whitening products that use blue light recommend treatments of 10 to 30 minutes per day. However, it’s important to follow the instructions carefully. If you use the product too often or for too long, you may experience side effects such as gum irritation or tooth sensitivity.

If you have sensitive teeth or gums, your dentist may recommend a shorter treatment time. It’s also important to avoid eating or drinking anything besides water for at least 30 minutes after treatment. This will help prevent staining and allow the product to work more effectively.

In most cases, you’ll see noticeable results after just a few treatments. However, you may need to continue treatments for several days or weeks to achieve your desired level of whitening that the product promises.

To maintain your results, it’s important to avoid foods and drinks that can stain your teeth. This includes coffee, tea, wine, and cigarettes. You may also want to consider using a whitening toothpaste or mouthwash on a regular basis.

If you have any concerns about the safety of blue light teeth whitening, be sure to speak with your dentist. They can help you determine if this treatment is right for you and offer guidance on how to best use the product to achieve your desired results safely.

What are the benefits of using blue light for teeth whitening

One of the main benefits of blue light therapy is that it is much faster than other teeth whitening methods. A typical treatment takes about 30 minutes, while other methods may take several hours or even multiple visits to the dentist.

Another benefit is that blue light can be used in conjunction with other teeth whitening products, such as gels or strips. This can help to speed up the process and give you better results.

How to use blue light safely for the best results

When using any type of teeth whitening product, it is important to follow the instructions carefully. This will help to ensure that you get the best results and avoid any complications.

If you are using a blue light therapy device, make sure to position the light correctly so that it hits all of your teeth. You should also avoid looking directly into the light, as this can cause eye damage. It is also important to use a protective gel or shield over your eyes during treatment. This will help to filter out the harmful UV rays and protect your vision.

After treatment, be sure to brush your teeth and rinse your mouth with water. This will help to remove any residual gel or other product from your teeth and gums.

If you experience any discomfort during or after treatment, be sure to contact your dentist or doctor. They will be able to help you determine if the treatment is working and whether there are any other options available.

happiness from pearly white teeth smiles

The cost of blue light for teeth whitening

The cost of blue light for teeth whitening is now inexpensive. Blue light for teeth whitening is now provided as LED accelerator lights with many teeth whitening kits such as Crest Whitening Strips, Crest Whitening Emulsions, and Crest Whitening Gels.

The cost of blue light teeth whitening is also available from some standalone devices. In the UK, cosmetic blue light for teeth whitening can be found for around £70. To get the best value for money, it is advisable to purchase a home teeth whitening kit that contains blue accelerator lights. These kits usually offer good value for money and provide everything you need for effective teeth whitening at home.

It is recommended that you consult with your dentist to see if they offer any discounts on dental treatments that include blue light therapy. Many dentists now offer this type of treatment as an add-on to other dental procedures such as teeth cleanings or checkups.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can blue light damage teeth?

There is no evidence to suggest that blue light can damage teeth. In fact, many dentists now offer this type of treatment as it is a safe and effective way to achieve whiter teeth.

What are the side effects of blue light therapy?

The most common side effect of blue light therapy is tooth sensitivity. This is usually temporary and will resolve itself once the treatment is finished. There are no known long-term side effects of blue light therapy. 

Can blue light whiten teeth: at-home teeth whitening?

Yes, blue light therapy is an effective way to achieve whiter teeth. The light penetrates the teeth and breaks up the stains that are present.

Do LED whitening lights work?

LED whitening lights have been proven to be very effective and this has made them a very popular addition to most teeth whitening kits. The light from the LED helps to break up the stains on your teeth and make them appear brighter.

How long should I whiten my teeth with blue light?

Blue light therapy usually takes around 20-30 minutes. 

Is LED teeth whitening painful?

Blue light therapy is not painful. You may experience some sensitivity during the treatment but this is usually short-lived. 

How often should you use LED teeth whitening?

It is recommended that you use blue light therapy in line with product manufacturer recommendations.

Can I use blue light with regular Crest White Strips?

Yes, you can use blue light therapy in conjunction with regular Crest White Strips.